In my hands tarot is not fortune-telling; it is a vehicle for introspection: a language for speaking about the soul. I don’t believe the magic is in the physical cards themselves, it’s more that the conversations and insights sparked by a tarot reading are often magical.
A reading is collaborative. I explain the patterns I am seeing in the cards and together we apply them to your life. Often a reading does not tell you anything too surprising, but instead reveals what you may already sense but have not consciously realized, and this can feel surprisingly affirming.
Three-card readings take twenty minutes, and offer a quick check-in or illumination of a single issue. Depth-oriented readings take an hour and a half and explore what is happening for you physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.
My work with dreams is most influenced by the work and life of Carl Jung. I have also gathered inspiration from many other dreamers, including Jeremy Taylor, Toko-pa Turner, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and Robert Bosnak.
Metaphor and story are my mother tongue. Decades of working with my own dreams and being in dream groups have deepened both my intuition and my relationship with the language of dreams.
A dreamwork session involves deep listening, questions that invite curiosity, conversation that encourages connections, gentle holding of whatever emerges, respect for the mystery, and a clear intention to honour the waking and the dreaming life of the dreamer.
I offer both private sessions and facilitation for dream circles.
I enjoy being a resource for creating rituals and ceremonies that honour the seasons, or the stages of life, including (but not limited to) pregnancy, birth, menarche, coming of age, marriage, handfasting, elderhood, death and dying, funerals and memorials.